NIEUWE LEDEN 124 B Europa Nostra, 1noting that tourist organizations, both public and private, and amenity organizations have a common interest in the pro- tection of the architectural and natural heritage and in the proper development of these attractions for touristic pur- poses; 2. resolves to take steps to initiate practical arrangements to estabiish effective contact between these organizations on inter national, national and local levels for the purpose of ex- changing views and information and furthering co- operation. CAR PARKING Europa Nostra, 1. at its 7th annual general meeting in Malta, while recog- nizing the useful role that the motor car plays in the development of tourism; 2. deplores the disfigurement of squares and streets of historie and architectural importance bij the indiscriminate parking of motor-vehicles; 3. notes with satisfaction the successful measures already taken by municipal authorities in a number of countries to exclude motor-vehicles from such areas; 4. invites the Council of European Municipalities at its forthcoming congress to urge municipal authorities, when preparing their town planning schemes, to give consideration a. to the exclusion of motor-vehicles wherever feasible from squares and streets of historie and architectural im portance and to the creation of- pedestrian precincts, b. to the provision of alternative car-park facilities, c. to the routing of public transport so as to serve the pedestrian precincts when these are at some distance from a car park. UNSIGHTLY ADVERTISING Europa Nostra, 1considering a. that unsightly advertising gravely damages the urban and rural scene, b. that many countries either do not possess adequate legal powers of control or do not exercise them effectively; 2. recommends a. that a study should be made of the existing laws and regulations of European countries for the control of advertising in urban and rural areas and their effective- ness, b. that, in the light of this information, model regulations should be framed for the guidance of Government and other authorities, c. that every opportunity should be taken to draw the attention of all authorities concerned to the importance of this problem. YOUTH Europa Nostra, 1. having regard to the importance of encouraging arnong young people increased interest and pride in Europe's cul- tural and natural heritage and of securing their positivc support for the measures required for its protection; 2. resolves to devise methods of associating youth with its work. ASSISTANCE TO PRIVATE OWNERS Europa Nostra, 1recognizing that the European heritage embraces many privately owned houses of historie and architectural interest both large and small; and that, under present conditions, the maintenance of such property often places an impossible burden upon the owners; 2. urges the Council of Europe to recommend member Governments to give adequate financial assistance to the conservation of such houses, particularly those open to the public, by means of a. contributions from public funds, b. tax deductions to meet the costs of maintenance and restoration, c. loans at specially low rates of interest. Als lid traden toe: W. J. Alsma, Maartensdijk; A. Bakker, Zaandijk; dr. P. G. Bek kering, Rheden (mej. B. D. da Silva Rosa)mej. D. v. d. Bent, Naaldwijk; prof. dr. A. R. Bloembergen, Leiden (H. C. P. Bloembergen); Boekhandel Architectura Natura, Amster dam (mevr. H. C. Drabbe-Carstens)drs. G. J. Boekschoten, Rasquert (mr. J. P. Miedema); Bouwchemie Zijlstra n.v., Doorn; mej. E. L. A. van den Broek, Amsterdam; F. de Bruin, Amsterdam; J. Bruyn, Wassenaar; mr. C. J. de Bruyn Kops, Abcoude; mevr. C. M. Chotzen, Wageningen; R. J. Clevering, Eenrum; ir. H. G. C. Cohen Stuart, 's-Gravenhage; mevr. A. Colago Osorio-de Deugd, Amsterdam; mevr. E. Daalder-Born, Amsterdam; dr. P. K. van Daalen, Middelburg; mevr. J. J. Dalenoord, 's-Gravenhage; mej. L. Defoer, Overveen; C. Doe- dens, Lobith; P. A. M. van Doesburg, Amsterdam; ir. J. D. Dorst, Burgh-Haamstede; dr. drs. A. C. R. Dreesmann, Amster dam; dr. ir. H. Ebbinge, Wassenaar; B. Eichholtz, Bloemendaal; prof. Sedad H. Eldem, Istanbul, Turkije (B. C. de Weerd); W. Erdmann, Amstelveen; ir. A. H. Fabius, Epse; mevr. A. G. Geerlings-Ockerse, Haarlem; dj*. W. B. j. Gerrits, Amsterdam (mevr. H. C. Drabbe-Carstens); prof. dr. H. Gerson, Gronin gen; A. M. de Graauw, Middelburg; B. M. van Griethuysen, 's-Gravenhage; H. Groen, Bloemendaal; prof. dr. S. R* de Groot, Amsterdam; drs. J. P. A. Gruyters, Amsterdam; A. J. M. van Hasselt, Oosterhout; drs. D. Hazelhoff, Rijswijk; P. J. van Herwerden, Hooghalen; mej. G. M. Heijenga, Amsterdam (mevr. M. W. Heijenga-Klomp)B. E. A. Heyse, Oostkapellc (P. v. d. Veen); P. J. Kastelein, Oss; A. A. Kugel, Poortvliet (G. Stüvel); mej. L. Chr. Kuiper, Amsterdam (mej. E. Schrij ver); mej. W. H. Laban, 's-Gravenhage; Maatschappij Voor bereiding Bouwprojekten n.v., Rijswijk; drs. W. F. van Moosel, Krimpen a. d. IJssel; mej. A. M. van Nieukerken, Gorssel; R. D. van Onselen, 's-Gravenhage; W. A. Plantinga, Hilversum (J. Langerhorst)drs. S. E. Pronk, Rijswijk; D. L. Richardson, Haarlem (mr. P. Robert); mevr. mr. M. Rijkmans-Timmer man, Epse; mevr. A. G. Rijks-Visser, Soest; dr. H. J. Santman, Epe; LI. van Schaardenburg, Domburg (P. v. d. Veen); mej. mr. N. Schuylenburg, Vlaardingen; ir. D. W. Sissingh, Leerdam (mej. C. Rademaker); drs. S. Smilde, 's-Gravenhage (mej. B. D. da Silva Rosa); Ch. Thicls, Rotterdam; mej. mr. J. F. Whitlau, Amsterdam. Als donateur traden toe: n.v. A!g. Confectiehandel van C A, Amsterdam; Architecten bureau J. G. de Groot, Uithoorn; fa. G. H. Geerken en Zonen, Zutphen; L. F. Will en Co n.v., Amsterdam (C. Vrolijk). Lid voor hel leven: ir. W. j. Weidema, Rotterdam.

Periodieken van Erfgoed Vereniging Heemschut

Heemschut - Tijdschrift 1924-2022 | 1970 | | pagina 32